Our Programmes
We believe education goes beyond transferring knowledge and skills; education is developing each child to fulfill his/her true potential. Leaders of tomorrow need more than knowledge and skills to excel – they need a foundation of strong character that equips them to make the right choices and face challenges in life.
Excellent leaders are ones who are confident and have a strong sense of identity, have solid relationships with friends and family and have a positive impact on the community.
Annual Programme
September - June
Small-class sizes
Parent-Teacher Assessments
Parent-Teacher Conference
Weekly classes

Junior JEMS
PN - K3
Weekly1-hour classes
1:8 teacher:student ratio
(click on each icon below for schedule and more information)
P1 - P6
Weekly1.5-hour classes
1:10 teacher:student ratio
Community outing included each term
(click on each icon below for schedule and more information)
Holiday Programmes
3-12 year olds | Character-themed | Practical application | Small class sizes | Mixed-age classes | 1-hour workshops or 4 to 5-day programs
Examples of Kindergarten workshops:
Learning compassion through Mother Teresa
Learning perseverance through Peter & Paula the Penguin
Learning how to manage emotions
Learning how to focus through Fables
Learning how to respect others through Story-telling
Learning how to manage anger through STEM experiments
Examples of Primary programmes:
How-to: Communicate to Engage & Relate
How-to: Use STEM to Understand Emotions
How-to: Deal with Stress Using a Growth Mindset
How-to: Prioritise & Manage Time
How-to: Practise Self-Control with Tech
How-to: Be Responsible with Money
How-to: Make Friends with Kindness and Understanding
Parent Engagements
JEMS treasures every opportunity to partner with parents. The hope is to bring parents great value in partnering to develop the character of their child.
Parenting Talks /Workshops topics may include:
'Building Character at Home'
'Sustaining Interest in Learning'
'Communicating with Your child'
'Building A Happy Family'
'Education Amidst Our Changing World'

School Programmes
JEMS offers partnerships with schools in hopes to foster and build foundations of good character in children. We are experienced in areas such as Ambassador Training, Prefect Training, as well as Assembly Talks and Extra Curricular Programmes.
JEMS also provides expertise through tailored services that cater to the needs of schools, such as character building programmes for Gifted Students, Teacher Training and Talks for Parent-Teacher Association (PTA).
JEMS currently runs programmes throughout the year with St. Paul's Co-Educational College Primary School and St. Stephen's College Preparatory School.