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Peegaboo Parents Journal: Today’s leaders say…

Jan 2011

The eldest daughter of Frederick Ma Si-hang. Christine holds a Master’s in Education honoured by Pennsylvania State University. After returning to Hong Kong, she continues to pursue her doctorate degree as well as her mission in education – she founded JEMS Learning House.

“There are so many outstanding leaders in history. The keys to their success lie in a good personality as well as the way they handle different kinds of relationships. Some talented people excel in one particular area but they may abuse their skills to commit crime. For today’s children who live in such an information age with the help of the Internet, knowing how to use their knowledge gained in creative ways proves to be the most vital.

In one of our classes, children are asked to remove a coin that is frozen inside an ice cube. This is training in perseverance.

Fortunately, my parents sent me to an overseas college since I was small and so I was given much room for the development of creativity.

To nurture a kid’s creativity, storytelling and drawing are the best ways, and so is story writing. I’ve observed that Hong Kong children are particularly afraid of writing essays. In fact, parents can try to encourage creative writing by giving their kids a storyline which is tailor-made according to age. Give their kids a blank paper and let them create let them draw and write.”



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