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JEMS Learning House 生日派對籌備課程(Plan-A-Party Programme)

Nov 2012

這世代的孩子幸福,已是不爭的事實。一年一度的生日派對,是不少孩子招待同學好友的大日子。有沒有想過這個喜慶玩樂的時刻,也是教育孩子的好機會?致力發展及提升十二歲以下兒童品德培育的英語授課學校JEMS Learning House推出為兒童悉心設計的生日派對籌備課程(Plan-A-Party Programme),鼓勵及指導孩子親身籌備生日派對,藉著慶生提升組織能力、責任感、與人分享及感恩之心,寓學習於玩樂,別具心思。

JEMS Learning House 生日派對籌備課程備(Plan-A-Party Programme)有三種適合不同年齡孩子的派對主題,分別以「分享快樂」、「友誼萬歲」及「以愛相傳」為主題。派對主人翁將獲發一本派對指南,並在導師的指導下,於四星期內籌備完全屬於自己的生日派對,包括草擬賓客名單、設計生日派對橫幅、預備邀請卡及感謝卡、構思派對活動、撰寫感謝詞、準備派對用品採購名單及禮物包等,派對主人翁更須於課程完結後完成籌備派對紀錄冊,紀念自己努力所得的成果。生日派對不僅是愉快的聚會,更是自己親力親為為良朋好友打造的歡樂時光,叫人永誌難忘!孩子在過程中不但學懂有條不紊地籌備活動的技巧,增強組織能力及責任感,更能深刻地感受到分享的快樂及成功感,累積成叫人受用一生的美好經驗。兩小時的精采派對中,JEMS更會為各位小朋友安排一小時既別開生面又富教育意義的活動,令生日派對更添姿采。

JEMS Learning House的創辦人及校長馬露明表示:「讓孩子親力親為準備自己的生日派對,不但能教導他們『施比受更為有福』的道理,更重要的就是給予孩子責任,令孩子理解自己有能力完成任務,繼而增強他們的責任感和自信心。此外,在籌備過程中,除了學習為朋友盡心思外,孩子也能學會為自己所想得到的出一分力。」



“Pizza Party”





“You’ve Got a Friend in Me”





“Pass-it-On Party”



Is your child’s birthday party merely a celebratory event? Now it can become a learning opportunity for your little one! JEMS Learning House, the renowned expert in Character Education for children up to the age of 12, is pleased to announce the official launch of its Plan-a-Party Programme in which birthday boys and girls will be guided to organize their own birthday party, giving them an opportunity to enhance their organization skills, sense of responsibility, concept about sharing and thankfulness.

The JEMS Learning House Plan-a-Party Programme is available in three party themes – Sharing, Friendship and Giving – specially designed for children of different ages. Within a period of four weeks, the participants will be asked to follow the guidelines of a workbook and their instructor to put together their own birthday party. The children have to put together the guest list, prepare the invitation cards and thank you cards, design their own party banner, plan party activities, write the thank you speech, prepare the shopping list and goodie bags, etc. The birthday boys and girls will be asked to complete a log book to record their effort and fond memories. During the two-hour party, JEMS will offer a one-hour fun and educational activity session for the enjoyment of the attending children.

Christine Ma, Founder and Principal of JEMS Learning House, says, “Letting children prepare their own birthday party lets them experience the joy of sharing. Through the preparation process, children learn that there are many things that they can do by themselves! This not only gives them confidence but a sense of responsibility too. Having to organize the party helps children understand they have to devote time and energy to what they want and should not take anything for granted.”

Party Theme 1:


“Pizza Party”

For children aged 3 to 6

Children have fun as they play games and make “paper pizzas” that require sharing. The party ends with guests all sharing a real pizza!

Party Theme 2:


“You’ve Got a Friend in Me”

For children aged 5 to 8

Celebrate friendship as children take part in fun activities. Friends all contribute to making ‘Friendship Fruit Punch’ and make a toast to friendship!

Party Theme 3:


“Pass-it-On Party”

For children aged 6 to 12

A meaningful party where the birthday child donates all birthday gifts to his/her chosen charity. Celebrate a big day by passing on the blessings!



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